Enjoy the amazing and fascinated pacific beach water and island of Panama in a 45 minutes ferry This include round trip ticket, free wifi. food or Hiotel not included.
We pick you up and take you back to your hotel located within Panama City.
Pearl Island Tour in Ferry/ Transfer from Hotel included
$285.00 Regular Price
$142.50Sale Price
Disfruta del agua de las playas del PacĆfico increĆble y fascinante en las islas de PanamĆ” por yate. 45 minutos de paseo mĆ”ximo para llegar al hotel isla. Esto incluye boleto de ida y vuelta , wifi gratuito . GestiĆ³n de alojamiento de hotel y comida no incluidos. pedir paquete completo nos envĆa correos electrĆ³nicos le conseguimos 50 % de descuento. o llame por skype usuario: pty.guide
If you Cancel your order after booked, allow reimbursement within 30 business days.